Business Hours
- Monday
- Closed
- Tuesday
- 10 AM - 8 PM
- Wednesday
- 10 AM - 8 PM
- Thursday
- Closed
- Friday
- 9 AM - 3 PM
- Saturday
- Closed
- Sunday
- Closed
Cancellation Policy
We value your business and ask that you respect our scheduling policy. Please notify us no less than 48 hours in advance of any cancellation or appointment modification. Skyn X Cyn does not accept cancellations or appointment modifications within 48 hours of your booked appointment. In the event an appointment is needs to be cancelled or modified within 48 hours or there is a “No Show”, you are subject to a cancellation fee amounting to the full cost (100%) of the scheduled appointment. By booking an appointment at Skyn X Cyn you accept and promise to adhere to this policy.
Thank you